The work of the Academic Council is informed by standing committees and working groups (membership on these committees and groups is not restricted to members of Academic Council).
Standing Committees: Standing committees are established outside of Academic Council. Committee’s carry out research into issues and best practices. Standing committees provide Academic Council with regular updates and would potentially seek feedback from Academic Council to support their ongoing work. Standing committees have their own mandate, terms of reference and defined membership.
Academic Council Working Groups: Academic Council working groups are established at Academic Council. Working groups research a specific issue or matter in order to make recommendations to Academic Council. Once dealt with, the working group is disbanded. Working groups would be struck to examine arising issues, opportunities, etc. These would expand and collapse as the work is complete. Working groups may be comprised of a few Academic Council members as well as expert resources and stakeholders as appropriate to the work.
Current Working Groups and Standing Committees:
- Academic Appeals Working Group
- Academic Integrity Working Group
- Communications Working Group
- Probation & Retention Working Group