Research Involving Animals

Fleming College is an institution with a number of courses and programs that are dedicated to the study of fish and wildlife management and the connection of these animals to the environment. To ensure that students are provided the highest level of program quality available, it is crucial to expose them to working with the animals and the techniques they will encounter when they take up new careers in their chosen field. Of equal importance is the teaching of ethical concepts and humane practices that prevent cruel treatment, waste, and irresponsible exploitation of the animals in their care.

The function of the Animal Care Committee (ACC) is to set and maintain up to date animal use policies and procedures and to monitor and assess all animal care, culture and use performed by employees and students at the College and in associated field activities.

The aim of the ACC’s work is to maintain the College’s performance of activities involving animals to ensure standards are met or exceeded at all times. These standards include those upheld by the education and research community and within the wider public community including locally, nationally and internationally. Adherence to these standards is necessary to maintain a good reputation and standing among peer institutions, to instil confidence and respect among outside public interests and to provide a solid grounding for our graduates in the pursuit of their careers and further education.

The Animal Care Committee membership includes some of the faculty and staff engaged in animal use activities as well as a qualified veterinarian, a non-animal using college staff member, at least one, preferably two local community members with no affiliation to the college, college support staff representation, student representation, a co-ordinator and a chairperson.

The committee meets at minimum twice per year, and part of the meeting process includes an inspection of relevant facilities within the college.

For a more exhaustive description of the ACC please refer to 9-902A Animal Care Committee Terms of Reference.