Steps To Report an Academic Integrity Violation
- Determine the Type of Violation and the Sanction .
- Meet with the student, if possible, to discuss the Type of Violation and Sanctions.
- Complete the online Academic Integrity Violation form.
- The faculty implements the necessary sanctions.
- The student will register for the Academic Integrity Education Module that was sanctioned by the professor.
- The student will show the professor that they passed the Academic Integrity Education Module before the assigned due date.
- If necessary, follow up with the student on the due date to confirm that the student(s) completed all of the sanctions.
FAQs About Completing the Form
How can I check if the student had previous violations?
To find out if the student has a previous violation, go to the Student Services Centre in Evolve.
Beside the student’s ID number and name at the top of the page there may be a red circle indicator with a line through it. This is a negative service indicator and MAY indicate the students has a previous integrity violation.
If you see a red service indicator symbol , click on the symbol to be taken to the violation information. This is where you will find information about any previous violations.
Need further assistance? Please contact the Records Specialist for your School.
Section D: Types of Violations, Mandatory and Optional Sanctions
There are four violation TYPES. Please click here to determine the type of violation and sanctions that suit each violation TYPE.