
There are different kinds of Academic Violations that can be considered. Examples of Academic Integrity violations include (but are not limited to):

Plagiarism Taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. Examples include (but are not limited to) using some elseā€™s work or ideas from the internet, textbooks, another studentā€™s work, and/or library resources.
Cheating Using unauthorized electronic devices or other aids during academic assessments/other activities and/or copying another studentā€™s test/exam/quiz.
Copyright Infringement Using work protected by Canadian Copyright law without permission. Examples include photocopying or taking pictures of copyright-protected textbook pages or selling a copy of a copyright protected resource to another student.
Aiding Academic Dishonesty Permitting a classmate or another student to copy their assessment work and/or buying or selling assignments for the purpose of plagiarism.
Forgery Creating and/or submitting false documents such as employer co-op/placement/applied project feedback, medical notes, reports, and/or signing another personā€™s name.
Sabotage Taking action that prevents another student from successfully completing an assignment, destroying someoneā€™s work, removing/destroying reserved content, and/or deleting another studentā€™s computer files.
Unauthorized Collaboration Working with one or more individuals to complete an online/D2L or take-home assessment that is intended to be completed on oneā€™s own and/or splitting up assignment work without faculty permission.