Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find some Frequently Asked Questions on Fleming’s commitment towards accessibility and the ongoing implementation of the AODA. 

As an employee, what should I be doing to be compliant with the AODA?

All employees must:

Complete both mandatory online training modules for all employees:

  • Accessible Customer Service.
  • Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) online training modules.
  • Self-identify to your manager or HR representative should you need an individualized workplace emergency plan.
  • Educate yourself on accessibility issues including conversion-ready documents and ensure all new educational documents are developed in an accessible format.

Additionally, all Faculty, Technologists, and Academic Leadership must:

  • Complete the mandatory Universal Design for Learning online training module (UDL), if you haven’t done so already. Your understanding of the application of UDL principles will be greatly enhanced should you also attend any UDL training sessions offered during CBD 2014.

Why do I keep receiving email reminders to complete accessibility training? I thought I had already completed all of these modules. Why doesn’t the College have a record of this?

  • Your individual training record is tracked in our Evolve system through your login ID.  If you are logged in to the MyCampus portal under your own ID and complete the online training modules your training record will be updated.  Once you’ve completed the training your individual record is updated.  If you’re receiving a reminder email the College does not have any record of your having completed that module. Please remember that there are up to three AODA modules available (UDL is only mandatory for Educators).

What are some examples of accommodations that our students typically request?

  • Training and access to technical aids (assistive equipment and software) such as Dragon Naturally Speaking, Kurzweil;
  • Computerized note-taking for those with sight or hearing disabilities;
  • Alternatives to print materials;
  • American Sign Language interpreting;
  • Alternative testing arrangements;
  • Counselling support;
  • Other supports such as learning strategies, peer note-taking and tutoring services;
  • Closed captioning for video clips used in the classroom;
  • If students are requesting an accessible format of a document in your class or service area you should speak to the Accessibility Facilitator about options for converting the item to an accessible format.

How do I make my office, classroom, or service area accessible to someone with a physical disability?

  • Begin by ensuring a barrier-free environment.  Remove obstacles and arrange furniture to give clear passage, contacting Facilities to assist where appropriate.  Provide the person with information about accessible features in the immediate environment (such as automatic doors and accessible washrooms). 

I’m having difficulty understanding something being said by someone with a speech-related disability.  Is it rude to ask them to repeat what they’re saying?

  • It’s not rude at all to ask the person to repeat what they said.  If you haven’t understood, do not pretend. Whenever possible, ask questions that can be answered by a “yes” or a “no.” Allow the person the time he or she needs to get the point across, and wait for the person to finish before you respond.

What does it mean if someone requests an “alternative format” of a document?

  • People access information in different ways. Some require large print or strong colour contrast, while others may require Braille or an e-version for screen-reading software. According to the AODA’s Information and Communications Standard, you are required to provide information, upon request, in a format that is accessible to persons with disabilities. If you receive a request, it is best to work with the individual to decide what alternative format best suits his or her needs. Learning Support Services or the Accessibility Facilitator will be able to provide some ideas on appropriate resources.  There are a variety of software programs and / or hardware to assist students who may need these accommodations, and ultimately, the College is able to determine which method of accommodation is most appropriate.

Am I required to lower the standards of an assignment because a student has a disability?

  • No. The same academic standards should be applied to all students within your class. Academic accommodations, as determined by the Learning Support Services, are put into place to remove the barriers to learning and demonstrate the knowledge of students with disabilities. 

Does granting accommodations to one student provide an unfair advantage over the other students in that class?

  • Academic accommodations are based on current and appropriate disability documentation which serves to remove barriers to learning and demonstrate the knowledge of students with disabilities.