FAQ – Faculty

Accessibility and Faculty Responsibility 

Should the responsibility to ensure equal access to course resources/materials (for all students) be the responsibility of faculty?

  • Yes, it is the responsibility of faculty to ensure equal access to course material for all students.  It is also a combined effort from all parties at Fleming College to support one another in order to facilitate student success.

How do I know if my online course materials are AODA “compliant”?

  • We are only out of compliance if we refuse to make any course material accessible for students.  It is best practice to review the Online Accessibility Modules for D2L on Evolve or review Creating-Accessible-Documents prior to developing, posting or referencing resources and materials online.

Faculty Training and Support

How can I participate in training to enhance my skills in developing accessible materials using Universal Design Learning principles (UDL)? 

  • Check your Professional Development Calendar on the Evolve site for upcoming training sessions in UDL and course development.
  • Meet with your CLT Consultant.
  • Contact the Faculty Development Officer Mary Overholt

Who do I contact when I need assistance with responding to the direct needs of identified students with specific disabilities?

The answer really depends on the specific needs of the student.

  1. Students can assist you with understanding their specific learning challenges and needs related to the course being taught.
  2. Learning Support Services can assist you with understanding the students’ accommodation plan and learning profile.
  3. Accessibility Facilitator can assist you with developing accessible resources, course material, and processes.
  4. Centre for Learning and Teaching can assist you with developing an inclusive course for diverse learners based on the principles of UDL.

Who assists faculty with specific conversion support and requests for identified students?

  • Contact the Accessibility Facilitator, Lynda Staples for a 1:1 appointment.

If I have general inquiries regarding the accessibility of specific course material who should I contact?

  • Contact the Accessibility Facilitator, Lynda Staples.

Accessibility and Course Materials

With Fleming College’s focus on blended learning, how are faculty supposed to balance engaging online course content, while ensuring the content is accessible for all students?

Develop your understanding about UDL and accessibility by:

  1. Accessing UDL and accessibility training modules on Evolve.
  2. Booking a 1:1 appointment with the Accessibility Facilitator to discuss accessible on line course content.
  3. Contact CLT for assistance with course development.

How can I format accessible PowerPoint presentations and include the voice-over feature?

How can I convert paper-based course materials into accessible format including the specific challenges that arise with converting and or developing technical and mathematical documents?

  • Best practice is to develop your material in accessible format.  However, if you would like to convert paper-based course materials into accessible formats you will need to contact the Accessibility Facilitator for training and support.
  • Yes, there are many challenges when converting or developing technical and mathematical documents.  To increase your knowledge on this topic refer to Accessible Math in Desire2Learn or access the “Best Practices for Math Accessibility” resource.

How do I make non-paper based classroom material (e.g. document camera, writing on the whiteboard) accessible? 

  • Students who have challenges accessing such material are most often assigned a note-taker through LSS. If this option is not available, or you recognize that students are struggling, best practice is to provide the class with an accessible document or handout outlining the key points that reflect specific learning outcomes and post to D2L within 48 hours of the class.