Tips to Prepare for Resolution Meetings

  1. It is the student’s (your) responsibility to seek assistance as soon as issues arise – don’t wait! It is not uncommon for students to hesitate in bringing forward academic issues and concerns. Unfortunately the greater the delay, the fewer resolution options available.
  2. In advance of the meeting, prepare a written list of concerns / feedback to bring with you i.e.: “I am concerned because”… (list reasons and provide examples where appropriate). Preparing a list will help you stay focused and avoid going off-topic.
  3. Bring supporting documentation to substantiate concerns (if applicable). Examples of supporting documentation includes:
    • course work that you feel was marked unfairly
    • documented dates and times when events occurred
    • email correspondences
  4. Come prepared with questions and an open mind. Stay calm, speak respectfully, and engage in active listening.
  5. Consider your expectations and be prepared for alternative resolution as the outcome of the meeting may not be what you hoped for, or expected.
  6. While at the meeting take notes! It is advised that after the meeting student’s send a follow-up email to meeting participants to confirm the discussion and any actions arising.
  7. Students may request the presence of a SAC/SA member to join them in any meeting (at any level) for support.