Orientation and Training

In order to provide a smooth transition from one year to the next, this will provide an overview of the common points of communication and connection between the student associations and college. We wish to establish the best possible relationship in the interest of students, the student leaders, and the entire college community. This is a living document and is always open to change.

Student Association Liaisons:

Vanessa Craig– SAC Liaison, Operations Officer, Student Experience
Telephone: 1-705-749-5530 ext #1258 ~ Email: vanessa.craig@flemingcollege.ca

Attend applicable student association board meetings and facilitates connections between the college and the student associations.

Annual Calendar

March 1st

  • Student Ancillary Fees Due


Student Association Welcome (SAC and FSA)

  • May include College leaders and new student associations.
  • An introduction of the new leaders and opportunity for initial training.
  • Topics may include:
    • Discussing our shared our goals – How can liaison support SA goals? How can SA support College business goals?
    • Develop relationship ground rules, expectations, communication methods, setting meetings, etc.
  • Event will vary depending on the association’s needs and availability.


SAC/FSA Presidents/Vice Presidents/Chair Orientation

Topics will include, but are not limited to:

  • College – Student Association Agreements
  • Athletics agreements and protocols
  • Ancillary fee types, protocols, and process
  • Navigating various college services and supports
  • College committee overview, mandates, suggested membership
  • College policy overview
  • Accessing student enrollment numbers
  • Budget overview

College Leaders – introductory meetings/training (as needed/requested)

  • Registrar’s Office
  • Public Safety/Security
  • Information Technology
  • Physical Resources
  • Food Services
  • Athletics and Recreation
  • Finance (How student fees flow)
  • International Student Services
  • Student Services

 Fall Term

Ancillary Fees Review (possibly SAC and FSA combined)

Introduction to ancillary fee protocols and process

  • Attendees – EVP Academic & Student Experience, Liaison, SAC/FSA Boards
  • Recommended for October

Student Association Agreements (Student Association/College Ctte)

An opportunity to discuss the current agreements

  • Attendees – EVP Academic & Student Experience,  appropriate liaison, designated SAC/FSA reps

Ancillary Fee Holders – Student Association Board Meeting Agenda Item

  • Topics
    • Service updates and fee rationale
    • Proposed ancillary fee changes for the current year
    • Multi-year discussions and planning
  • Attendees – SAC/FSA Boards or a designated sub-committee, VP Student Experience, appropriate liaison, ancillary fee holders (student services, alumni, convocation, athletics, IT)
  • Recommended for October

 Ancillary Fee Holders – Student Association Board Meeting Agenda Item

    • Topics
      • Ancillary fee changes for the current year finalized and approved.
      • Sign off complete.
      • Multi-year discussions and planning may continue
    • Attendees – SAC/FSA Boards or a designated sub-committee, EVP Student Experience, appropriate liaison, ancillary fee holders (student services, alumni, convocation, athletics, IT) if needed
    • Recommended for February