
 Annual Program Review (occurs every year)

Annually, in the development period (typically May-June), faculty and staff will review program data and engage in an assessment of curriculum content, design and delivery to ensure program currency and vitality.

Cyclical Program Review (scheduled every 3-5 years)

Utilizing the results from annual program review, every five years, programs will complete a more detailed, comprehensive program review characterized by additional depth and breadth of analysis. Program data will be collated, reviewed, and assessed against given criteria, providing a measure of both the vitality and viability of the program.

Based on this analysis, longer-term program improvement plans will be created to guide and prioritize program activity.

Programs may be scheduled for a cyclical review sooner than the 5 year interval based on multiple factors including staffing availability, major labour market changes, overall scheduling etc.

To view the Cyclical Program Review Schedule, click here or navigate to the heading at the top of the page.

Changes to Vocational Learning Outcomes

Click here for the process to update Vocational Learning Outcomes