Standard 1.0 – Program Quality Management System

Effective quality assurance mechanisms ensure the quality of a program management system and demonstrate continuous improvement.


A college-wide program quality management system:

Requirement 1.1: Facilitates the evolution of programs to maintain their relevance and fitness with the College Mission.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

Requirement 1.2: Ensures that established policies and procedures for all programs of instruction offered by the college, regarding their development, review and maintenance, are monitored (approved and revised) regularly, and applied consistently across all programs of instruction.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

Requirement 1.3: Gathers, collates and analyzes data and information from stakeholders (e.g. graduates, industry representatives, faculty, students, and professional bodies), program maintenance records (e.g. program review) and program indicators (e.g. graduation rates, retention rates).

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

Requirement 1.4: Uses program indicators, program maintenance records and stakeholder data to measure program performance.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

Requirement 1.5: Manages changes to programs and courses to keep them current and relevant with provincial standards and relevant professional body requirements, and to ensure that recommendations arising from previous program reviews have been considered and addressed.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

Requirement 1.6: Manages program maintenance records arising from program quality management processes.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS) 
CQAAP Standards 2015 
Approved by the OCQAS Management Board March 20, 2014 
Revised August 18, 2015