Standard 6.0 – Availability and Allocation of College-Wide Resources

Effective quality assurance mechanisms ensure the existence, availability and allocation of resources (human, physical, financial) and technological infrastructure to support student achievement of program vocational learning outcomes, and demonstrate continuous improvement.


A college-wide planning system:

6.1: Ensures that teaching staff involved in the program: possess the combination of experience and credentials appropriate to, and required by, the program credential and the field of study; have the level of expertise and ability to provide the published learning experience; participate in reflective practice; undergo initial and continuing professional development to enhance their teaching expertise and to ensure currency in their subject matter; and, are oriented, coordinated, and evaluated.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

6.2: Ensures that teaching staff execute their professional responsibilities; work within structured instructional plans; are accessible and available for student inquiry; meet the needs of the students and facilitate the achievement of the program vocational learning outcomes; provide prompt and constructive feedback to students; promote a positive attitude to learning for students.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

6.3: Ensures sufficient numbers and continuity of faculty and staff to carry out both classroom and non-classroom support roles for student success.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

6.4: Ensures that academic support and advising services meet the needs of the students and facilitate the achievement of the program vocational learning outcomes.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

6.5: Ensures that staff members providing student support services such as tutoring, financial and academic advising, and co-curricular activities are appropriately qualified, trained, and supported.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

6.6: Ensures that learning facilities (including Learning Resource Centres), equipment, and technological infrastructure support the promised modes of delivery and the learning process, and are accessible to students.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

6.7: Ensures that the process of reviewing leadership, organization, and management of human resources, financial services, learning resources, information technology resources, and academic facilities are done in such a manner that all relevant factors are taken into account such as quality, efficiency, effectiveness, optimal use, financial responsibility etc.

  • Describe the key institutional quality assurance mechanisms used by the college in the components of its quality assurance system and related to this specific standard/requirement.
  • For each mechanism, the narrative must include: the contribution of the mechanism to quality assurance; the key individuals responsible for its implementation; and, a critical assessment on the ability of its mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement in quality (performance in practice).

Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS) 
CQAAP Standards 2015 
Approved by the OCQAS Management Board March 20, 2014 
Revised August 18, 2015