Committees and Meetings

Where Student Government Leaders and/or students at large are invited to attend.



 Who from SG

Indigenous Education Council

Our Indigenous Education Council is committed to developing and supporting Aboriginal education aspirations through curriculum, programs, services and research, that meets the needs of Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, faculty and staff at Fleming College.

Contact: Cindy English

Fall,  Winter & Spring Terms Fleming Indigenous Student(s) 1 Sutherland, 1 Frost/Haliburton

 Academic Council

The Academic Council is a collaborative forum for faculty, support staff, students and administrative staff across Fleming College to exchange information and viewpoints on academic affairs. The Academic Council informs and is guided by the Academic Plan and provides advice to the Vice-President Academic Experience on college-wide practices, standards, policies and procedures related to academic matters that impact learning and teaching.

Contact: Melissa MacDougall

 As scheduled; typically monthly Three student representatives (1 FSA, 1 SAC, 1 student at large

 Board of Governors

The authority to govern Sir Sandford Fleming College is given to the Board of Governors through the Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002, Ontario Regulation 34/03, Ministry Binding Policy Directives, and further outlined in the the Board of Governors By-law 1.

Operational management of the College is vested in the President and carried out by College staff.  The Board governs the College and, as such, is accountable to the students, employers, and communities it serves for ensuring that it is effectively and appropriately managed to achieve its established mandate and to provide needed services.

Contact: Trish Matthews

Meeting dates


 Any student leader welcome at public meeting as a guest

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Council

Contact: EDI Council

Meetings will be held as required, but not less than once per month. One appointee from each SAC and FSA

Fleming College Council

The purpose of the Fleming College Council is to provide a means for students and staff of the College to provide advice to the President on matters of importance to the College community.

Contact: FC Council

3 x per year, dates TBD

Student Government Reps (2)- Presidents by virtue of office, FSA & SAC

Student Representatives up to (4): 2 selected by SAC and 2 selected by FSA

 Food Service Advisory Committee, Sutherland/Frost Campuses

Contact: Matt Markovic

Information found here

 Minimum of 2 times per semester (per campus)  One appointee from each SAC and FSA
International Education Committee

The IE Committee shall be advisory in nature, making recommendations to the Senior Management Team (SMT) and ultimately to the Board, and shall have two primary purposes:

1) to provide guidance and direction on Fleming College International Education initiatives; and 2) to assist Fleming College to provide strategic direction around International Education initiatives.

Contact: Tracey McConnery

Approx. once every  months One appointee from each SAC and FSA
Sexual Violence Prevention Committee

Fleming College’s Sexual Violence Prevention (SVP) Committee is intended to bring together stakeholders from across the College with a mandate to:

  1. Share information on sexual violence prevention related work and initiatives;
  2. Consult and collaborate to further sexual violence prevention for the Fleming community;
  3. Provide consultation on the review/maintenance of the SVP Policy and Procedure

Contact: Greg Jefford 

minimum once a semester Student Director or President, Diverse student representation

 Student Appeals (Dean’s & VPA Level)

Appeal Panels at the School and VPAE level are convened as needed per 2-219 Academic Appeals/2-219 OP.

Contact: Melissa MacDougall

 As needed  Four student representatives  from SAC and FSA (each Appeal Panel hearing must have in attendance at least one student).
 Sustainability Steering Committee TBD  SAC and FSA Presidents

 Welcome Days and Orientation Committee (Sutherland & Frost)

Sub group of Student Engagement committee to discuss opportunities and provide updates on planning and implementation and of student transition programming, services and sessions through Welcome Days and Orientation.

Contact: Greg Jefford

1-2 times prior to Welcome Days, Fall, Winter and Spring Orientation  SAC/FSA to appoint members; typically a mix of board and staff