Accessible and Accommodated Parking

The regulations and procedures for Accessible and Accommodated Parking are outlined in the Parking Regulations in Section 1.7 and Appendix G, which state:

Parking Regulation Excerpts

1.7 Persons with a Ministry of Transportation Accessible Parking Permit must also purchase a College Parking Permit or pay for parking at a Pay & Display Machine. Accessible spaces are reserved closer to the main entrances and are strictly enforced.

Accessible Parking

1. As stated in General Regulation 1.7, Persons with a Ministry of Transportation Accessible Parking Permit must also purchase a College permit or use a pay & display machine. Accessible Spaces are reserved closer to the main entrances, and are strictly enforced.

2. As stated in Parking Area Designation Section 2.5, accessible parking spaces are designated and signed at all campuses. Parking in these spaces requires a valid Ministry of Transportation Accessible Parking Permit and payment (via Pay & Display Machine or Fleming Permit).

3. Students and Employees that require accessible parking can purchase a Fleming College Accessible Parking Permit at the Information Booth at Frost or Sutherland Campus.

4. Employees or students that purchase a Fleming College Accessible Parking Permit are required to bring their Ministry of Transportation Accessible Permit with them when picking up their Fleming Permit to prove that the Ministry permit is valid.

5. The fee for a Fleming Accessible Parking Permit shall be the same as for a General Lot Permit.

Accommodated Parking

1. In the event an employee or a student has a short term injury, illness or medical condition that restricts their ability to walk from their regular parking lot to the campus building, accommodated parking may be provided subject to conditions outlined below.

2. Such accommodations shall be for 90 days or less. Persons with injuries, illnesses or medical conditions that will require longer accommodations must apply for Temporary or Permanent Accessible Parking Permit from the Ministry of Transportation at the following link:

a. Employees must be on a return to work or medical accommodation plan as per the process outlined by Human Resources.
b. The return to work or modified duties documentation must clearly state that the employee requires accommodated parking due to medical condition.
c. Parking Services will work with Human Resources to determine an appropriate accommodated parking location based on the spaces available and our requirements to maintain an inventory accessible parking spaces for persons with Ministry of Transportation Accessible Permits.

a. Students must provide medical documentation for the parking accommodation to the Campus Nurse.
b. The documentation must clearly state that the student requires accommodated parking due to a medical condition.
c. Parking Services will determine an appropriate accommodated parking location based on the information provided by the Campus Nurse.

No medical documentation will be kept on file at Parking Services. All documentation will be processed by Health Services or Human Resources.