Fleming College ECS plan

Fleming College ECS Plan

The Educational Consulting Services Corp (ECS) Plan will provide a newly renovated and upgraded space for student-facing services at Sutherland Campus. There are three phases to the ECS plan, with the first phase scheduled to begin in May 2018.

Phase 1:

  • Health and Counselling Services will relocate to A2, into a newly renovated space.
  • Offices from the Physical Resources Department (PRD), previously Advancement & Alumni Relations, to the Security Office, previously Health Services, will be renovated to suit Health and Counselling Services requirements.
  • A Faith and Meditation lounge will be introduced to Sutherland campus in the temporary Aboriginal Lounge, previously the Security Office.
  • There are office moves that are required in order for the ECS plan to begin. Physical Resources will be required to vacate their office space in A-Wing, the Aboriginal Lounge will return to its original space which is currently housing the temporary Health Services, and Health Services will return to its original home in the A-Wing.

Space Changes For Student Services at Sutherland
Fleming College Student Services Relocation Plan – Feb 16 2018

Stay tuned for more information on Phase 2 and Phase 3.