Women’s Resources

On this page you will find community resources, additional readings and women’s organizations including South Asian, African, East Asian and Indigenous specific women’s organizations.

Community Resources

Below you will find directories of women’s resources in your area including women’s health services, gender based violence supports, eating disorder clinics and pregnancy support.

Peterborough Directory of Women’s Resources 2024

Lindsay Directory of Women’s Resources 2024

Haliburton Directory of Women’s Resources 2024

Additional Resources

National Eating Disorder Information Centre

Sex & U – Resources for sexual and reproductive health

Pregnancy Info

Women’s History Network

Muslim Women’s Mental Health – CMHA

Women’s Organizations

DisAbled Women’s Network Canada

Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women

Canadian Women’s Foundation

Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund

South Asian Women’s Organizations


South Asian Women’s Centre

South Asian Women and Immigrants’ Services

Her International

Afghan Women’s Organization Refugee and immigrant Services

Tamil Women Rising

African Women’s Organizations

Canadian and African Women’s Aid Program

Canadian and African Business Women’s Alliance

The Afro Women and Youth Foundation

Black Canadian Women in Action

East Asian Women’s Organizations

Asian Women for Equality

Korean Canadian Women’s Association

We Working Women

Pinay Tayo

Indigenous Women’s Organizations

Native Women’s Association of Canada

Ontario Native Women’s Association

The Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto