Name Changes & Trans Supports

Student safety and wellbeing are our highest priority.

It is now possible to change your preferred first name using Evolve Self-Service. Here’s how:

If you are in the process of changing your legal identification, the Fleming Colleagues have created a Name Change Bursary to help cover the cost. For more information, please contact 

2SLGBTQ+ Counsellor Em Osborne

Em (she/they) can also support you with name and gender changes as well as information about gender-affirming surgeries. They are available to students at any campus by booking an appointment through Counselling Services

Also, Fleming Health Services doctors are competent in offering gender affirming care, and can prescribe hormones, offer surgery referrals, etc.


You may also change your preferred name on a self-serve basis. Go to myCampus > Evolve Administration Systems > Navigator (compass in upper right) > My Self-Service > Campus Personal Info > Names > Preferred.

Peterborough Community Legal Centre’s Trans ID Clinic

Fleming students may be eligible for free legal support with official name/gender marker changes. Eligibility will be determined during a participant’s intake appointment and depends on the person’s income and household members, age (16+), and must be within the Peterborough catchment area. If you are a Fleming student residing elsewhere, contact to see if you might be eligible or other supports available to you. Students can also apply for the Fleming Name Change Bursary to cover costs.

Contact Alex McMichael (she/her) via PCLC’s intake line at (705)-749-9355


Transgender Student Bursary

Fleming College offers a bursary for students who identify as trans, two-spirit, non-binary, or other non-cisgender typology. The Transgender Endowed Academic Bursary was launched in February 2022 and is granted to the applicant with the greatest financial need. More info: