Urgent/Crisis Support
If you or a friend of yours is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 immediately.
In the event of a crisis or for after-hours support, please contact any of the following:
- Campus Security Emergency: ext. 4444
- Good2Talk: Ontario’s Postsecondary Student Helpline 1-866-925-5454 text GOOD2TALK to 696969 or http://good2talk.ca
- Suicide Crisis Helpline: 9-8-8 phone or text https://988.ca/
- Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre: 705-741-0260 or 1-866-298-7778
- Or visit your nearest hospital emergency department.
Area Hospitals
- Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Emergency Dept. http://www.prhc.on.ca/default-category/emergency-department
- Ross Memorial Hospital (Lindsay), Emergency Dept. http://www.rmh.org/programs-and-services/emergemcy-department
Walk-In Clinics
Cough Etiquette
Quit Smoking
Student Health Plan
www.wespeakstudent.ca Managed by your Student Associations
Emergency Food Banks
Located in the Student Association Offices
Good Food Boxes
Access locally grown food at low prices. Available through your Student Association office
NARS Immunization Forms