Gender-Based Violence Prevention

On Campus Supports

Fleming has a strict, zero tolerance policy for gender-based violence and sexual violence.

We offer an incident reporting form for both students and employees who wish to file a complaint about an incident they may have witnessed or experienced.

Counselling Services provides general counselling. If you and your counsellor determine that you require more intensive care or ongoing therapy, they can refer you to the proper agency or service.

Health Services can provide you with physical exams, pap tests, birth control, STI testing, gender-affirming care, and more.

Diversity & Inclusion Services coordinates the Sexual Violence Prevention Module “It Takes All of Us: Creating a campus community free of sexual violence” which is mandatory for all students.

Throughout the semester we run a variety of Sexual Violence Prevention training and workshops. This includes Healthy Relationships, MENding for male allies, as well as Bystander Intervention Training where students will learn how best to intervene and support potential victims as well as survivors. More information on training as well as supports and resources for survivors can be found on the Sexual Violence Support Services website.


Check the “Upcoming Events” calendar on your myCampus portal regularly to stay up to date.

Here’s a look at the events you can expect to see from us throughout the year:

  • The 3rd week of September is Consent Week. During this time we promote healthy, consensual sex education.
  • The 3rd Thursday of September is Take Back The Night – An annual rally and march against gender-based violence, organized by the Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre.
  • November 25th: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  • December 6th: White Ribbon Day – The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
  • May 5th: Red Dress Day – Remembering and honouring missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ peoples (MMIWG2S+)
  • May – Sexual Assault Awareness Month


  • Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre 24-hour crisis line
  • YWCA safety supports for women affected by gender-based violence 24-hour crisis line
  • The Assaulted Women’s Helpline 24-hour crisis line across Ontario
  • The Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres 24/7 navigation line helps men, women, trans and non-binary people find and navigate services
  • Nisa Helpline peer-to-peer counselling helpline for Muslim women.
  • Victim Support Line 24-hour
  • Male survivors of sexual abuse 24-hour

Other Resources

Please visit our Women’s Resources tab for supports in your area and additional resources on a variety of women’s issues.

Ontario Women’s Justice Network – Legal rights and options for survivors of abuse.

Can’t Buy my Silence – Support if you have been asked to sign an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) after reporting sexual violence in your workplace.

Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children

Sexual Harassment Advice Prevention Education

Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres

Also check out PDAN’s handbook for survivors of Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence for information and checklists on safety planning, deciding to leave and finding help.