
** Contact information regarding the Synergy platform, including your login information, uploading documentation, and your Synergy status: **

Fleming College has partnered with Verified by Synergy Gateway to provide students with services to assist them in the successful completion of their program’s post-admission requirements for clinical practicums and field placements. The process of digitally uploading your documentation requirements and having them validated using Verified is known as Electronic Requirements Verification or ERV.

With the introduction of ERV, Verified by Synergy Gateway has eliminated the need for you to attend an in-person appointment and allows you to submit all of your placement requirements documentation from the comfort of your home.

Synergy Gateway Inc. is not the authority on Fleming College’s deadline dates or clearance policies.


  • Read all requirements carefully as there are time sensitive items.
  • Always keep your original documents.
  • There are costs associated with ERV, immunizations, lab tests, and certifications. Be sure to keep all of your receipts for income tax purposes.

Students with certifications/requirements expiring during the placement period must renew (before expiry) and provide updated documentation to Synergy to continue to be eligible for placement. This will require another appointment and there will be a full-service fee charge for this appointment.


Verified by Synergy Gateway is available through a secure username and password. Login instructions are emailed to your Fleming College email address. You should receive your login credentials within 48 hours from the time your registration is processed.

To login to Verified by Synergy Gateway, go to:

Your username will be your full Fleming College email address (not your Fleming College username)
Example: John Doe’s username will be “” and not “”

VSC Updates:

  • If your program requires that you renew your VSC every 6 months, you will be able to update your new VSC through the Compliance Status section on Synergy without charge provided that you upload your new VSC before it expires. If you upload your new VSC on or after the date that it expires, you will need to book an ERV to process the update.
  • If your program requires that you renew your VSC every 12 months, you will be required to book an ERV to update your VSC. 


    • Confirm that you have received login credentials for Verified by Synergy Gateway. Your login information will be emailed to your Fleming College email address. If you cannot locate this information in your general inbox, please check your junk/spam folder. If you are still unable to locate your login credentials, please open a Help Desk ticket by visiting:
    • Review your program’s specific placement requirements along with the due dates. You can find this by logging into your Verified Account and selecting “Important Forms”. In this section, you will find student user guides and any required forms in order to be successful in completing this process.
    • Make sure you have reviewed what your clinical placement requirements are and have planned out when and how you will be completing them. It is important to remember that some requirements may take an extended time to complete.
    • Once you have ensured that all requirements have been uploaded to your profile, you may book your ERV Appointment on the Verified by Synergy Gateway platform. This notifies Synergy that your profile is ready for verification.
    • To avoid paying additional appointment fees, ensure all of your documentation has been uploaded PRIOR to booking your ERV appointment.
    • You do NOT need to attend your ERV appointment in person or online – Synergy will send you an email status 2 business days after your ERV appointment date and time with a status update. Make sure you plan accordingly as it does take time to validate your documents. You may also login your Synergy account and check the status through your dashboard.


  • Synergy is a paid service and any time students are updating documents there are fees associated.
  • To avoid booking and paying for multiple appointments throughout the year, we strongly suggest you gather all of your requirements at one time so that they might be valid for multiple placements if possible.
  • You can update expiring Criminal Reference Check (CRC) with Vulnerable Sector Search (VSS) documents free of charge after your initial appointment throughout that calendar year. The free update will only be honoured if you update these documents to the Synergy platform by the date indicated by Synergy at the time of your documentation approval.



Electronic Requirements Verification (ERV) with medical requirements $51.00 + HST
Electronic Requirements Verification (ERV) for programs with no immunization requirements $27.50 + HST
ERV follow up appointment
(if you are missing documents)
$10.00 + HST
No Show Fee Full Amount of Service


  • As a student, it is your responsibility to ensure documents are valid throughout all of your placements.
  • You will be notified of any upcoming expirations for documents on your profile page for Synergy. You will also receive notifications via email to your Fleming College email address.
  • Multiple appointments at full-service fees will be required to update any expiring documentation with the exception of the vulnerable sector screening.
  • If you have more than one document expiring at any given time, we suggest you update them all together in one additional appointment to avoid further charges. Expired documents will negatively impact your clinical placement.

Contact information regarding the Synergy platform, uploading documentation, ERV, login information:

Contact information regarding how to obtain requirements only: