Tips for International Students


For students attending programs that require immunizations as part of their NARs, it is recommended that you start the process early! (Check the program requirements page if you are unsure it this applies to you)

Out of country vaccination records will be accepted – be sure information is clear and translated to English. Upon your arrival to Canada, please book an appointment with Fleming Health Services to have your documents reviewed. Health Services can assist you complete the requirements.

To get started:
Immunization Form

TIPS for out of country vaccines:

TB – two step TB skin test should be administered prior to receiving any live vaccines (such as MMR or varicella) as this type of vaccine can affect the TB skin test reading.

MMR – a single measles vaccine before the first birthday is not accepted. Typically, bloodwork is offered through Health Services to determine immunity.

Varicella – two doses of varicella is required and doses need to be administered a minimum of 28 days apart. Evidence of two doses or proof of immunity through bloodwork will be required.

Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td) and Polio – Tetanus Toxoid (T.T.) vaccine is not accepted in Canada

To confirm if your COVID vaccination will be accepted in Canada:
COVID-19 Vaccines: Approved In Canada

If your COVID-19 vaccine is not found in the above link, please make arrangements with a local pharmacy to obtain the vaccination. If you have documentation of your out of country COVID vaccinations, then a booster is required. If you do not have documentation, then you will require the minimum two doses for placement. Please note, according to the Ministry of Health, there is a recommended wait time of 3-4 weeks (depending on the vaccine) between doses so plan ahead to meet the NARs deadline.

Work Permits

Work permits are mandatory for International Students. It is best to apply early due to processing times.

Fleming’s International Student Services are here to help!