Grades Concern
- If you have failed a test or assignment
- If you are worried about your academic success in a course
- If you feel your work was marked unfairly
- If you feel you were unfairly sanctioned for an academic integrity violation
- If you are concerned your grades may be affected by your disability (including mental health conditions like depression and anxiety)
- If an unexpected absence has affected your grades in one or more classes
Meet With Your Faculty Member
- Be proactive, seek assistance!
- Go to your faculty as soon as issues arise
- Request an in-person meeting
- Bring a list of concerns and/or supporting documentation to the meeting
- See the tip sheet to help prepare you for the meeting
- If your concern about your grades is related to a disability, you should also speak with a counsellor to discuss accommodations and services.
End of Term/ Final Grade
- If your concern remains unresolved, and you have sufficient grounds to proceed, you may initiate the Academic Appeal procedure once your final grade is release. Please review grounds for appeal
- If your concern about your grades is related to a disability or an unexpected absence related to a disability, you should speak with a counsellor to discuss accommodations and services before you proceed with an academic appeal
Formal Academic Appeal
- If you have sufficient grounds to proceed with an academic appeal please review the appeal process