
Do you need your immunization form signed/stamped? Click here to learn about the drop box process with Health Services! 

Most programs require completion of an immunization form. You can check if yours are required by visiting the Requirements by Program page.

You can complete the immunization requirements through your own health care provider or through an appointment with Fleming College’s Health Services Department. Please visit NARs FAQs for a list of other health care providers that you can reach out to if you are unable to book with Health Services.

Follow the instructions included very carefully. Health Services’ staff are happy to answer any questions you have about completing this process.

It is your responsibility to bring the immunization form with you each time you attend an immunization appointment to allow your health care provider to update and sign off on any new information. If you forget your form, Synergy will accept a proof of vaccine card provided by your health care provider. Please note, these cards can be misplaced easily so we recommend that you take a photo of the card immediately.

Synergy does require lab results for clearance.

International Students – please visit – Tips for International Students

Download the Immunization Form: Immunization Form
On Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 a new immunization form was launched. If you are just starting your program, please use the new form. If you have already had the previous version of the form completed (or partially completed) you can continue to use that form, or you can have your healthcare provider transfer all information to the new form. Please reach out to if you have any questions or concerns about this. The new immunization form can be found in the link above.

  • In February 2025 the requirement for completing Hepatitis B Bloodwork was changed. Previously, bloodwork needed to be completed within 6 months of starting your placement. There is no longer a timeline associated to this bloodwork, provided that the lab results of immunity anti-bodies to HBsAb (AntiHBsAb over 10 IU/L = immune) can be provided. All bloodwork reports must be uploaded to Synergy. 

Pre-Service Firefighters you do not complete the standard Immunization Form. You can download your form here: PSFF Medical Clearance Form

Paramedics in addition to the Immunization Form the Communicable Disease Declaration must also be completed. Click here to download the Paramedic Communicable Disease Declaration.

TB One Step (Annual)

Once students have had the two-step TB test done as required on the immunization form, there will be a yearly update required for specific programs. Please see the Requirements by Program page to determine if your program is included in this requirement. The yearly update is a one-step TB test.

**Annual TB One Step tests do not have to be conducted by Fleming Health Services, and can be done through your family doctor or local clinic**

Download: Annual TB Shot

PLEASE NOTE: Fleming College does not accept IGRA or Quantiferon blood testing for proof of TB status. Please confirm with your program specific requirements if you require an immunization form (including a baseline two-step skin test) and/or annual one-step TB tests. Proof of a clear chest x-ray accompanied by a report confirming your TB status can also be accepted if you have previously had a positive skin test or if you have previously had TB. Please contact NARs if you have any questions about this.

Where to book Tuberculosis Testing: