AutoCAD Map

Autodesk download

Go to

Find “AutoCAD Map 3D” and click on it
Now either setup an account for yourself or sign in with an existing account
Register with your Fleming email address.
after you are able to sign in choose AutoCAD Map 3D 2019 Windows 64-bit English

Then below will show you your:
Serial number:
Product key:
File Size +7.5 GB
You should have also received an email to your Fleming email with this information as well.
Download correct version of Map 3d 2020
I recommend downloading from the school wireless network if you can.
Click setup install now and this will begin the install process.
process will take 20 min and will ask for serial number that is given on website as noted above.
Then enter your serial number > Next
Click configure beside Product download.
Stand alone license > next
Leave as typical > next
Check and if there is any updates click “download”
Then click “configuration complete”
It will start installing.
First time running application you will be asked to activate it.
You will then need to create a second user account to activate.
I believe it can be the same as the one you created previously.
login to new user account and it should activate it for 3 years.