Fleming College fully supports the Internal Responsibility System, which is the cornerstone of the Occupational Health and Safety Act in Ontario. This system defines the roles and responsibilities for ever member of our workplace parties.
Maintaining a safe workplace is the responsibility of all who work within it.
IRS (Internal Responsibility System)
What is this?
The internal responsibility system (IRS) puts in place an employee-employer partnership in ensuring a safe and disease free workplace. A health and safety committee is a joint forum for employers and employees working together to improve workplace health and safety.
The internal responsibility system is the underlying philosophy of the occupational health and safety legislation in all Canadian jurisdictions. Its foundation is that everyone in the workplace – both employees and employers – is responsible for his or her own safety and for the safety of co-workers.
Everyone has a part to play in ensuring a Safe workplace
If you have a safety related concern about your workplace, what should you do?
As an Employee – All health and safety concerns should be brought forward to your Supervisor immediately for review.
As a Manager – You are responsible for promptly reviewing and applying corrective measures to anything deemed “unsafe”.
For more information, please go to the following link: