COVID-19 Self-Serve Reporting and Case Management

This page provides you with information on how to use the self-service COVID-19 Reporting Form regarding COVID-19 related incidents. You will also find useful information regarding our reporting process, as well as, information on how Fleming College supports our local Public Health partners to address a variety of scenarios.

Report an illness or COVID-19 related incident (Employee or Student)

If you are experiencing an illness or COVID-19 related incident and would like additional support from our Occupational Health & Safety team, you may use the self-service COVID-19 Reporting Form. After submitting your form response you will receive an automated email with additional resources and contact information should you wish to speak with someone from our H&S team.

 COVID-19 Reporting Form

***NOTE – If a Student or Employee is on campus and begins to feel symptoms notify your manager/faculty and return home.

What happens if you are experiencing symptoms not related to COVID-19

If you are experiencing symptoms but are not sure if they are associated with COVID-19, the Ontario Self-Assessment will help confirm whether or not they are related. The self-assessment results will provide you with guidance for further direction and next steps.

Note – Symptoms that may be associated with COVID-19 include:

• Fever and/or chills; OR
• Cough; OR
• Shortness of breath; OR
• Decrease or loss of taste or smell; OR
Two or more of:
• runny nose/nasal congestion
• headache
• extreme fatigue
• sore throat
• muscle aches/joint pain
• gastrointestinal symptoms (i.e. vomiting or diarrhea)

If symptoms do not include any of the above, then you are less likely to have COVID-19 infection and are advised to self-isolate and delay your return to campus until symptoms are improving for at least 24 hours (or 48 hours if gastrointestinal symptoms).

Employee Reminder: When you are away ill you must inform your manager and follow the direction of the Absence Due to Illness procedures.

Student Reminder: For academic absences due to illness please follow-up with your faculty member/Chair.

Antiviral treatments are now available in the community at local pharmacies for people with symptoms (even if mild) who are at higher risk of severe COVID-19. Most treatments must be taken within the first 5 days of your symptoms starting.

Take this screener to determine if you are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 and may benefit from these treatments. You can use this screener even if you do not have symptoms, to be prepared in case you get sick.

What happens if a COVID-19 case is related to campus?

Fleming College continues to work with our partners in Public Health to use a layered approach with multiple public health measures, including extensive education and infection control measures, to reduce risk of COVID-19 transmission and to help keep our community safe.

What to do if you’ve been exposed to COVID-19

For more information or if you have COVID-19 related concerns contact your local Public Health Unit or visit Ontario’s self assessment website.

Peterborough Public Health

Haliburton, Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit

Ontario Self Assessment