Job Search

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  Please be aware of Job Scams!  Click here to read full details.

You know what you want, now go out and get it! As you begin your targeted, researched job search think about some of these questions:Quote: The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what directions we are moving. Oliver Wendell Holmes.

  1. Where do you want to focus your job search efforts?
  2. Who are your potential employers?
  3. How could you find out more information about the company and its goals/values and projects?
  4. Who could help you in your job search?
  5. What does your online presence say about you?

Click on the links below for detailed information on job search topics that will help you answer some of these questions.


1.  Make a Plan & Research

  • Goal setting is an important part of your job search process, make a plan for yourself that includes smaller steps to take as well as  longer term job success
  • Take into account your job searching style, look at your available time, resources you can access, and outreach that you are comfortable doing
  • Look at labour market information, what are the future prospects for your field? Where will you most likely be able to find work?  Researching these types of questions can focus your efforts
  • Conduct an informational interview get industry insight and a new contact for your network

2.  Network

  • Formal and informal, networks are a great source of support and knowledge for your job search
  • Friends, family and your peers need to be aware of your job search details such as what type of work you are targeting, and where you are focusing your job search
  • Network with purpose, job searching takes time and energy, plan your networking activities and make sure you have made a plan for follow-up
  • Reward yourself, getting the job doesn’t have to be the only positive thing to look forward to. Made a new connection? Give yourself a pat on the back


3.  Find the Opportunities

4.  Be Proactive & Persistent

  • Don’t wait for the perfect job posting, think about proactive ways that you could reach out to employers and show your interest in their organization.
  • Where and how you could potentially meet employers (in-person or virtually)? Get involved in industry associations, social media, reach out to faculty, and other on-campus professionals