Social Media

Did you now that approximately 40% of companies will use a social media screen as part of their hiring process?

Social Media can be an important part of your job search process in different ways:

  1. Find and follow– find companies that you are interested in working for and ‘follow’ them on social media. This can allow you to see information about the companies such as upcoming projects or potential hiring
  2. Online brand – what will the employer find out about you when they look on social media or do a quick Google search?  Create an online brand that can help, not hinder, you in your job search.
  3. Keep up-to-date – if your profile last entry was months or even years ago it’s time for an update. Using social media is only

Click on an icon below for more information how these various social media can be used in your job search.

twitter icon            LinkedIn Icon          facebook icon          Instagram icon