D2L Learning Management System

Fleming College Faculty are required to use D2L for evaluation, and tracking grades throughout course.  It is recommended that faculty use D2L for distributing course information, receiving assignments, discussions, etc.

Content from a previous course may be available and can be copied or “rolled over” for you to use in your course.  Contact your Course Lead, Academic Administrative Assistant or Chair to access content.  Please contact Alana Callan to have the content “rolled over”.

All D2L help and tip sheets are located right on the D2L homepage.

D2L Training & Tipsheets menu

D2L Training & Tipsheets menu

  • Your course outline and gradebook must be set up in D2L to ensure that students can track their progress throughout the course.
  • Faculty must key grades into Evolve within 5 days of the completion of the course, see instructions under the “Grading” tab
  • Browse D2L Tipsheets or complete the Self-Paced Training Course through the help window located on the right side of your D2L home page
  • D2L orientation sessions are available near the beginning of each semester.  If you are unable to attend a training session, please book a one-to-one meeting with Alana Callan.
  • Faculty are encouraged to get their courses ready prior to the semester in the following way:
    1. Copy course content into your course shells using these instructions.
    2. Add the link to their approved course outline. (instructions)
    3. Edit and/or update course materials including release dates for content and assessments. (instructions)

In order to support student success, Secondary School teachers are provided access to DC D2L course pages.  Teachers can use this access to support student success by providing early interventions and resources to students throughout the course in partnership with college faculty (faculty).  The requested access will allow DC teachers to view both content and student progress as each assessment is completed.

DC courses are, of course, college courses and faculty are responsible for the delivery and assessment of all college content.  The access requested for DC teachers, in no way diminishes these facts.  Instead, it provides easier access to valuable support resources, skills and expertise for both faculty and students.