It is the responsibility of the secondary school dual and/or board contact to orient students on how to complete the on-line registration forms.
If you encounter any issues with student registration please contact Jon Taylor ext. 1178 for assistance.
Students register for dual credit courses at:
At the end of the registration process, students are encouraged to print their registration form for their own records. We no longer require a paper copy of the consent form as it is now electronic.
Fleming cannot share student grades or other student information with the high schools/board reps if we have not received the electronic consent form.
Students that have registered via earndualcredits, but HAVE NOT ATTENDED CLASS and should not be registered, should fill out a Dual Credit Drop Form.
Students must be registered to:
- Appear in the Fleming Class List/Roster in D2L to have access to course content and receive grades.
- Use the computers on campus unless they have already obtained their student number and log in information