Financial Aid

Scholarships and Bursaries Application

Please visit to learn how to apply for bursaries and scholarships at Fleming College.

Students need to apply every semester by observing the deadline to apply posted on

News (December 3rd, 2018 Release)

New Merit-based Scholarship Program for International Students 
Starting in Winter 2019 and continuing each semester thereafter, scholarships will be awarded to international students who have entered semester two and who have just completed their first semester of study. Eligibility will be based on semester one grade point averages. Eligible GPA ranges and dollar values are described in the table below:

Letter Grade


Grade Range

Grade Point Average (GPA) Range Scholarship Amounts
Students in one-year programs Students in two or three-year programs
A+ 90 – 100 4.0 $1,000 $2,000
A 85 – 89 3.999 – 3.800 $500 $1,000

Scholarships will be awarded in rank order of term one GPA until all funding on reserve for the given semester is exhausted or until all who qualify have been awarded. We hope the timing of this announcement will provide some incentive for current semester one international students to work as hard as they can and perform at their very best as the fall semester draws to a close.