Bursaries and Scholarships

Assistance Available Through the Financial Aid Office We have provided more than $10 million in bursaries and scholarships to students in financial need over the past 7 years. Funding for these scholarships and bursaries is provided by various sources: A percentage of tuition fees collected by Fleming College are allocated towards Financial Need Bursary Programs for full-time students.  Through the efforts of Fleming College’s Advancement and Alumni Relations Department, we are able to offer numerous donor sponsored bursaries.

Click here for more information on our internal Fleming Bursaries 

External Scholarship & Bursary Opportunities

Scholarships Canada Scholarships Canada is a national scholarship and bursary registry that lists all current scholarship and bursary opportunities made available through private industry, academic institutions and service groups across Canada. More info…

yconic.com (formerly Student Awards) Student Awards is now yconic.com. This international (Canada and the United States) registry provides information related to over $170 million in scholarships, bursaries and awards. Simply create an account and get started! More info…

Ad Standards Scholarship – Each year, Ad Standards awards two $1500 scholarships to students enrolled in an undergraduate advertising or marketing program at a Canadian university or college – one for English-language education and one for French-language education. More info

Allied Van Lines Scholarship – We are proud to be offering qualifying Canadian students and chance to apply for our new scholarship, which is intended for students across the areas of business, logistics, and similar fields.More Info

Atila – a website with a list of scholarships for Canadian students  More info…

The B. Harper Bull Scholarship Awards – The B. Harper Bull Scholarship Awards program supports post-secondary students who are pursuing a future career in the environmental or cultural heritage sectors.  This year, we have three (3) scholarships of $2,000 each available.   More info

BeMo® Diversity Advocacy Scholarship – has been designed by our team to alleviate some of the medical school application and tuition costs for your pre-health, pre-medical, and medical students. The scholarship is recurring every Spring and fall, offering $5,000 to each awarded recipient. The deadlines are May 31st and October 31st of each year. More info

Bill 7 Award Scholarship – is for students who identify as two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary and/or queer and who have a demonstrated financial need and are studying at any post-secondary institution in Ontario to attain their first degree or diploma.  More info

Black Business and Professional Association – We are excited to announce the launch of the 38th year of our National Scholarship Program, which aims to support and empower black youth and young adults pursuing higher education. More info

Bolt Financial Awards – Successful candidates will receive $3,000 or $5,000 for the school year, depending on the type and length of their program. These can be entrance scholarships or for students going into their second, third, or fourth year of their full-time programs. More Info

BOLT Women in Construction Scholarship – BOLT Charitable Foundation, in partnership with Support Ontario Youth, are proud to offer 3 Scholarships of $500 each to women in construction trades. Student must reside in GTA. https://www.supportontarioyouth.ca/scholarships/

Brant Rod and Gun Club Bursary – The Brant Rod & Gun Club is proud to provide two $1000 bursaries per year for eligible post-secondary students in an environmental or conservation program. More info

BridgesEDU Scholarships – The BridgesEDU $1,000 Scholarship is open to students attending a Canadian college or university in September 2024. More info

Buckhorn Fine Art Award – To be awarded to an adult (age 17 or older), pursuing an education in the visual arts at a recognized Canadian art institution, who demonstrates community involvement and is in need of nurturing support and recognition. More info

Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries and Scholarship Awards Successful futures are created through hard work, creativity, and perseverance. Each one of us has a unique potential to achieve, and for First Nation, Inuit, and Métis students, Inspire is here to help make that happen. Open All Year: Oil and Gas, Trades and Technology Award.  More info…

CAWIC (Canadian Association of Women in Construction) – These bursaries are available to female identifying students, having completed their first year in a construction related program or enrolled in a minimum 1-year trades program. Attached you will find the Bursary Criteria, Application, and CAWIC Facts. More info

Canada Working Parent College Scholarship Program – Since 2014 we have awarded $6,000 in scholarships to students. More Info

Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund – The Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund offers an Education Assistance Loan Program to assist serving and former members and their dependents with costs of full-time post-secondary education. More info…

Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) –  Every spring, CNIB’s scholarship program awards multiple scholarships, bursaries and other awards to people who are blind or partially sighted in recognition of their educational aspirations and achievements.   More info

CICan – The CICan Paul and Gerri Charette Bursary Program aims to provide financial support to college and institute students that demonstrate financial need and who often face greater challenges and barriers to participate and complete post-secondary education.  More info

Chaney-Ensign Bursary – Provides bursaries to students in any subject enrolled in a college, university or institution in Canada or the US, who can demonstrate financial need and who have graduated from a publicly funded secondary school in Hamilton. More Info

Childhood Cancer Canada Scholarship Program – This is a wonderful opportunity for survivors of childhood cancer to be able to pursue their post-secondary education dreams through Childhood Cancer Canada. To date, more than 2,000 survivors have been awarded a Survivor Scholarship for post-secondary education-that’s more than $2.6 million in scholarships since 2000. More Info

Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario (CFFO)– We are currently taking applications for up to four $2,500 scholarships for children and grandchildren of CFFO members studying agriculture-related programs. More info

Christopher Lee Memorial Forestry Scholarship –  The $2,000 scholarship will be awarded each year to a post-secondary student enrolled in a forestry-related discipline at a Canadian university, college or technical school. More info

Community Living -Community Living Walkerton and District is again pleased to offer a bursary for students who are enrolled in full time post secondary education, at any level of their studies (example, first year, second or subsequent terms). As you will note, this is meant for those whose home base is in Grey or Bruce Counties in Ontario.  The intention is to encourage all to engage in efforts to help make our communities inclusive of all citizens.  More info

CPAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS – The CPAC Foundation provides scholarships to secondary and post-secondary students who have demonstrated academic excellence and community leadership. Since 2000, the Foundation has given out 224 scholarships and awards with a total value of  $278,000. More info

creditcardGenius Scholarship – We’re looking for a student committed to academic excellence, with outstanding academic achievement, no matter what field of study they are in. More info

CTAA Applied Technology Scholarship – The CTAA Undergraduate Scholarship will be presented to a student who has been admitted into, or is currently enrolled in a Canadian university program leading to an undergraduate degree which contributes to advances in any facet of asphalt technology. Eligible fields of study include chemistry, chemical engineering, and construction or civil engineering. More info

David Davis Memorial Bursary – Provides bursaries to students who can demonstrate financial need and who are enrolled in a music program at a college, university or institution in Canada, the US or abroad. Undergrad and postgrad students are eligible.  More info

Deloitte Canada’s Bloom Scholarship- program is now open for applications, with the launch of the Indigenous Student Scholarship Black Student Scholarship and Scholarship for Students with Disabilities and Neurodiverse. The program will provide undergraduate students with a one-time $5,000 scholarship and an opportunity to complete a paid work term at one of our Canadian offices. More Info here

Dr. E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship – This program is now open to Canadian students with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus residing in Canada. More info

EHRC’s Bursaries – In 2023, and in honour of International Women’s Day, EHRC’s board of directors and staff announced the creation of two new $2,000 bursaries for women entering or currently enrolled in a trades or STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) program.  More info

EnergyRates.Ca College Scholarship –The EnergyRates.ca College Scholarship is a yearly (ongoing) scholarship by EnergyRates.ca. awarding outstanding students for their essays on the energy industry.  More info…

ERA Scholarship – The Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) is excited to announce two new scholarship opportunities!  More Info

FortisOntario’s Future Generations Scholarship – In honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day, FortisOntario is pleased to be rolling out the $10,000 Future Generations Scholarship program available to the Wataynikaneyap Power Project’s 24 owner First Nations.* More info

Geritol Follies Bursary – Provides performing arts bursaries to students of voice, drama, dance or musical instruments who are enrolled in a college, university or institution in Canada or the US, who can demonstrate financial need, are and who have graduated from a publicly funded secondary school in Hamilton or Burlington. More info

Grand River Agricultural Society – Eligible students are those continuing their studies in agriculture/environment related programs (additional eligibility requirements as per the application package). More info

Hartvikson Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Lourdes Llamzon This scholarship is new for us in 2021 and will be awarded to a student (Canadian or International), that is enrolling in a post-secondary institution in Canada studying sustainable agriculture and food systems, and who possesses the character and qualities exemplified by Lourdes Llamzon: dedication to family and community, athletic commitment, high academic achievement, and a passion for sustainable and ethical agriculture. The scholarship may be renewable annually for up to 4 years if the applicant is a full-time student and maintains a post-secondary grade point average of 74%. Financial need of the recipient will also be considered. More info

Hard Head Veterans – College Fund ($1,000 + ATE Ballistic Helmet)is for those who plan on seeking a degree in Law Enforcement. More info

Hard Head Veterans – Training Fund ($1,000+ ATE Ballistic Helmet)is for those who are already officers looking to further their training. https://www.hardheadveterans.com/pages/ate-ballistic-helmet-scholarships

IIBEC Women & Student Building Science Forum Scholarship – Open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents More info

IIBEC Diversity and Inclusion Building Sciences Forum Scholarship – Please note that only Canadian citizens or permanent residents may apply. You must attend the event in person to be eligible. More info

International Scholarship Opportunities – If you are thinking of studying abroad or if you know someone from another country who wishes to study in Canada, please go to the following web site for information on scholarship funding. More info…

Leaside Garden Society Founders’ Scholarship – one $1,000 (CDN) scholarship annually to a full time post-secondary student planning to enroll in the second, third or final year of a horticulture-related program from an accredited Canadian college or university. More info

Lerners Bursary & Mentorship Program-  Students who graduated high school and have been admitted to a first-year program at an Ontario College are eligible for the Learn with Lerners Bursary & Mentorship Program. More info

Life Sciences Ontario (LSO) – we are pleased to announce that the LSO Scholarship and Mentorship Program is now accepting student applications! More info

Modern Métis Woman Scholarship – This scholarship was created to empower Métis women and to support them in their pursuit of higher education. This scholarship offers one recipient each year financial assistance to help remove barriers to education and enable them to achieve their academic and professional goals. The aim is to equip Métis women with the tools to be successful, contribute to their communities, and continue to strengthen Métis culture and heritage. More Info here

This scholarship is open to Canadian citizens who identify as women and as Métis. The application process involves submitting a 1000-1500 word essay. The annual deadline for applications is October 31st.

Metal Supermarkets Trade School Scholarship Program –  includes four $2,500 scholarships to be awarded to eligible trade school students in the US and Canada. More info

MIHR.CA Scholarship Program – Awarding 10 $2,500 scholarships to post-secondary student in mining related programs. More info

moneyGenius Scholarship – Almost any university or college student can apply for this $2,000 scholarship, as long as you’re attending a Canadian school and have a GPA of 3.5 or equivalent. More info

Mon Sheong Foundation – two selected recipients will receive a $1,000 scholarship per year for the duration of their post-secondary studies, up to a maximum of 4 years (subject to renewal requirements). More info

Nawiinginokiima Forest Management Corporation(NFMC) Scholarship – We have fifteen communities, located within our management area, which we are proud to support through our programs (scholarships, donations/sponsorships, and strategic initiatives). More info

Net Solutions Scholarship – anyone enrolled in or about to enroll in a 2,3, or 4-year college or university course is eligible. More info

NEWH – Structures of Hospitality Excellence (SOHE) Scholarship Network – NEWH, Inc. is offering up to $5,000 NEWH Structures of Hospitality Excellence (SOHE) Scholarship sponsored by Delta Faucet Company and ALIS DESIGN+ to cover tuition and other approved educational expenses. This scholarship is open to students pursuing a certificate, technical diploma, or associate degree in the construction trades at a construction
trade school, interested in building, renovating, or maintaining various types of properties in the hospitality industry, including hotels, resorts, restaurants, and more More Info

NEWH – Structures of Hospitality Excellence (SOHE) Scholarship Network – NEWH, Inc. is offering up to $10,000 NEWH Structures of Hospitality Excellence (SOHE) Scholarship. This scholarship is open to students majoring in architecture, construction management, civil or environmental engineering, or project management with a career objective within the hospitality industry. Submission deadline: October 18, 2024. More Info

Nora’s Nursery Scholarship Program – Nora’s Nursery is now offering a scholarship program for parents in post secondary education, or parents looking to go back to school. More info

Norfolk Field Naturalists Bursary – given to an outstanding student specializing in nature, the environment and doing conservation and environmental science-based study and field work in Norfolk County, Ontario.  More info

North American Lines Logistics Scholarship – qualifying Canadian student can apply to receive our new scholarship, intended for students in the area of business, logistics, and similar fields, with four lucky winners being selected to receive an award amount of $1,000 each. More info

OCWA’s Scholarships – three (3) $2,500 scholarships now available for Indigenous Peoples, Women, and our new scholarship for Underrepresented Groups (women, racialized, persons with disability, LGBTQ2+, Indigenous) in Environmental Studies/Science, Environmental Engineer and/or Trades Field with emphasis on water and wastewater treatment and/or mechanical/electrical/Millwright or other applicable skilled trade. More info

OFAH/Fleming College Fish and Wildlife Scholarship –  a $2000 scholarship offered to any recommended 2nd or 3rd year Fish student going on to further their education. More info

OFCP – ONTARIO FEDERATION FOR CEREBRAL PALSY  – Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy has established several annual awards to acknowledge persons with cerebral palsy. More info..  

OPAF Awards Program – Our financial awards program is available to students at any level of post-secondary studies in a multi-year college or university program in parks, horticulture, landscaping, conservation, or environmental resource management.  More info…

The Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers (OPVG) – is offering 3 bursaries intended to support and encourage individuals pursuing a career in any aspect of the processing vegetable industry. More info

Out on Patrol – is a non-profit peer support organization for 2SLGBTQ+ members of law enforcement, focused on community engagement, charitable work, and education.  Out on Patrol has partnered with the Motorola Solutions Foundation to offer scholarships to help increase diversity and representation with law enforcement across Canada. The deadline to apply for this scholarship round is May 31st, 2024. More info

Pavey Law LLP Scholarship Program – Pavey Law LLP is pleased to announce its first scholarship program for Canadian students. The selected candidates will be awarded $750 CAD to help with the cost of post-secondary education. More Info

Pink Pearl Canada Scholarship – a community-based charitable organization that provides support, facilitates connections and empowers young women across Canada who are courageously overcoming the social and emotional challenges of being diagnosed with cancer.  More info

Pinsky Law New Venture Development Scholarship –  To assist driven, up-and-coming, entrepreneurs who are committed to building their startup businesses, we have set up the New Venture Development Scholarship.  More info

Primary Indigenous Student Bursary – this scholarship is available to Indigenous students in any year of their post secondary education who are enrolled in programs related to Primary’s areas of business. Electrical Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Powerline Technician Apprenticeship, Drafting, Surveyor, Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Technology, IT, Business. Deadline September 1. More info

Rank-It.Ca College Scholarship – Each year, we award one outstanding student for their essay on their vision of the future’s consumer trends.   More Info

RevenueZen Scholarship – $1000 scholarship for a current or soon-to-be undergrad who is looking to innovate the job application and hiring process. More Info

Riverfront Dental Scholarship – Riverfront Dental is delighted to announce its first scholarship program aiming to help Canadian students.  More Info

Ronen Kurzfeld Scholarship – Canadian/US citizens or permanent residents with the required minimum GPA and enrolled in a Canadian or United States university or college for Winter-term 2023. More info

Sarah Gaulin Memorial Scholarship – a national scholarship that promotes the resilience of individuals with mental illness pursuing post-secondary education. More info

Scholarship and Bursaries for Students With Permanent Disabilities National Educational Association of Disabled Students  More info…

School of Natural Medical Aesthetics Scholarship – offering a twice-yearly scholarship of $500.00 CAD to students who are eager to improve the world using their education. More info

Skretting Indigenous Aquaculture Scholarship Program (SKIA) -Skretting – The Skretting Indigenous Aquaculture Scholarship is a one time cash scholarship of up to $2500 for a student pursuing an Undergraduate, graduate or Vocational/trade in an Aquaculture related field. More Info

S.M.A.R.T. -Scholarship for Studying Single Moms – Our unique scholarship program provides financial assistance to single mothers pursuing a post-secondary education. Each year, single mothers are awarded the Strong Mothers Achieving Remarkable Triumph (S.M.A.R.T.) Scholarship courtesy of our founder Ann-Marie Ricketts, and are provided with the opportunity to better their own and their child/children’s lives. To date, S.W.I.M. has awarded over $9,000 in scholarships, and is committed to expanding our program’s applicants and winners. More info

Soroptimist Award – This is a $2000 award that is open to all female Fleming students. Deadline Date:   More info

Stantec Equity & Diversity Scholarship Award – This scholarship award ranges from $1500-$10,000 and is open to ALL Fleming students. Create an account to register and apply. Deadline Date: March 15, 2021  More info

Storwell Bursary – Storwell offers an annual bursary of **$2,000** in support of foster children to help them attend post-secondary schools and to offer a hand up as they make their way forward in life. More info

Sunlite Mortgage Scholarship – Sunlite Mortgage is elated to announce the first-ever ‘Annual $1000 CAD Scholarship Program’ which is open to University/College students of all majors.  More Info

Sun Life Dean Connor Inclusion Scholarship – The Dean Connor Inclusion Scholarship was created in 2021 as a way to support Black and Indigenous youth in Canada. More info

Support Ontario Youth Scholarship – Support Ontario Youth will award 10 scholarships in a variety of trades, valued at $500 each, to help directly pay for an apprentice’s schooling. More info

Support Our Troops National Scholarship Program – The Support Our Troops National Scholarship Program is here to provide financial support military-connected students. More info 

Surex Scholarship – We are asking students to write a brief essay on one of the 4 selected topics, we are offering a $1000 grant for the winning essay. Deadline Date: November 1, 2021  More Info

Terrera Canada – sustainable apparel company based in Toronto offering a $1000 grant for a community initiative, project, social enterprise, or business that is making a positive impact on society and the environment. More info

Telus Student Bursary – provides financial assistance to deserving young people across the country who are committed to giving back in their local communities by taking on a social impact project. More info

The Citizens Foundation Canada – TCF Canada is offering students $4000 Canadian dollars per academic school year, starting with their first year of post-secondary education, in a Canadian institution. This is a needs-based program. More info

The Help and Legal Centre of Northumberland Social Justice Award – This award is for someone 25 years of age or less, who lives, works or attends school in Northumberland County, or serves residents of Northumberland County. More Info

The Royal Canadian Legion Bursary Assistance Program – We offer a bursary to students who are either Ex-Service personnel or currently serving members of The Canadian Forces(Regular, Reserve, and Merchant Navy) and their spouse, children and grandchildren. Commonwealth war veterans and their spouse, children and grandchildren. (2) Ordinary and Life members of The Royal Canadian Legion and their spouse, children and grandchildren. (3) Associate members of The Royal Canadian Legion and their children only. (4) Ladies’ Auxiliary members and their children and grandchildren. (5) Stepchildren and step grandchildren may be considered where applicable. More info

Voice of the Future Scholarship – We’re offering a $1,000 scholarship to students who are ready to stand up and speak out on the issues that matter most to them. Whether it’s climate change, mental health, educational equity, or any other challenge facing your generation, we want to hear from you. More info

YWCA Hazel Education Bursary – This bursary is intended to help women who have experienced gender-based violence reach their goals through education or training. More info