Faculty and teacher meeting
Dual Credit faculty have the same roles and responsibilities as post-secondary faculty, they are just working with a different student
Regardless of the delivery location of the Dual Credit course, all faculty are responsible for:
- assessing all student work including tests, quizzes, projects, etc.
- ensuring that an updated and accurate Course Outline is submitted for approval to the Program Co-ordinator and that the Course Outline is provided to students
- ensuring that all course outcomes and objectives identified in the Course Outline are met
- submitting final grades upon completion of the course
- checking @flemingcollege.ca email daily throughout the duration of the faculty contract
- adhering to all Academic Policies & Procedures
Additionally, all Dual Credit faculty are required to submit a Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screen and to communicate effectively with the Dual Credit Secondary School teacher. It is this communication that greatly impacts student success and, ultimately, the success of the program.