Monthly Archives: December 2016

Final Grades: A message from Sandra Dupret and Silvana Macdonald

A message from Sandra Dupret, Dean
Silvana Macdonald, Associate Dean
School of General Arts and Sciences and Haliburton School of Art + Design
Hello all!

I hope all of you had a great weekend. I suspect many of you didn’t really care about the cold weather and snow over the weekend as you were likely busy with marking and finishing up with your course work.

As we wrap up this fall semester, a couple of gentle reminders to keep in mind:

1) Final grades are due to the Registrar’s Office by Tuesday, December 20th (noon). This is a hard deadline that must be met. Students are expecting to see their final grades tomorrow and understandably become quite anxious when grades are missing. Cristina and I will receive a listing of all courses where grades are missing and will be following up with individual faculty members.

a. An email was sent by the Registrar’s Office on Tues. Dec. 6th regarding how to enter final grades into Evolve for students.

b. Even though you have calculated final grades within your gradebook in D2L, final grades still need to be entered into the Evolve system.

c. This Youtube video, prepared by the Registrar’s Office outlines the process for entering final grades:

d. When entering final grades in Evolve, all students on your roster who are enrolled in your course must receive a grade from “0” to “100”. This includes students who never (or rarely) attended and/or students who didn’t complete many (or any) assessments. If they are on your roster, they get a grade.

2) Students do have the right to appeal a final grade. An email was sent on Fri. Dec. 16 from our Vice-President Academic regarding the process. Please ensure you are familiar with the timelines for a faculty response should a student wish to appeal a grade in your course. The department website for Academic Appeals is found here:

3) If you are giving a student an “Incomplete” – please ensure you notify our School Office with the following pieces of information so that there is a record:

a. Name of Student / ID
b. Course
c. Assessments to be completed
d. Deadline you have provided to the student.
e. As per the Academic Regulations, an “Incomplete” that has not been removed within 4 weeks of the end of a semester will change to a “Fail”.

4) If you are assigning a Grade Deferred (GD): as per our Academic Regulations, this rare or extenuating circumstance needs to be discussed and approved by the Dean. A faculty member can recommend the grade deferred when supporting a student attempt to attain a passing grade in a course by completing additional assignments or activities. The time limit for removal of a grade deferred is at the discretion of the faculty member with the maximum time allowed being one year. If a revised grade is not provided within the time limit, the standing will be changed to a “Fail”.

That’s all the administrative house-keeping out of the way.

ln closing, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for all of the hard work, time, energy, dedication and commitment shown to our students. I would also like to thank all faculty and staff who mentored or supported new faculty in our School.
The winter semester will be upon us before we know it so I hope that all of you take some much-deserved time to relax and enjoy the holiday season with family and friends.

On behalf of our Dean, Sandra Dupret and myself, we wish all of you a joyous and restful holiday season and a happy and healthy new year.



Silvana Macdonald, Ph.D.
Associate Dean – School of General Arts & Sciences
Haliburton School of Art + Design
Ext. 1218 / Office: B3-327

Final Grade Collection for Fall 2016

***Attention All Faculty***A message from Shelly Rowan, Manager of Records ***

The Grade Rosters for fall 2016 classes ending December 16, 2016 are now available. We would appreciate it if you would have a quick look in your Faculty Centre to ensure you have access to all relevant Rosters. The instructions for grade entry can be downloaded here and we also encourage you to review the short YouTube video that outlines the process at the following link:

Please note that the Evolve system upgrade in October can cause issues with the display of content. If this occurs please refer to the “Clearing Browser Cache” section in the documentation.

Grades are due by noon on Tuesday December 20, 2016. If you have any questions please contact Shelley Rowan at  ext. 1512 or Marg McGee at ext. 1510.