Category Archives: Tutoring

Tutoring and Academic Skills

*** A message from Angie Premate to all Faculty***

In an attempt to expand student accessibility to tutoring services, the Tutoring and Academic Skills Centre launched a new on-line tutoring registration system called “WC-online”.  WCONLINE is an online, web-based, scheduling system where students are able to make real time appointments with a tutor from the college, with their smart phones or from the convenience of home.  WC allows a student twenty-four hour access to the Tutoring Centre by logging into WC-online at   A student registers, browses available times for a tutor specializing in a particular course, and with a key stroke, books a tutoring session with a tutor.

This semester we are also continuing with our drop-in tutoring times for Math and Writing where no appointment is needed.  Non-judgemental support is provided for all stages of the Math and Writing process, from concept to completion, in all disciplines across the College. Tutors strive to assist students in becoming confident writers and competent in the fundamentals of Math.

If  you would like more information or a personal demonstration for yourself or your class, or to arrange a tour of the Tutoring and Academic Skills Centre, please contact Angie Premate at or ext. 1607 to arrange.   Staff and students are also welcome to drop down to our area room C1 203 (next to the Library) for further information. Drop-In Schedule at Sutherland Campus Fall 2016