International Scholarships

Global Merit Based International Student Scholarship  

Awarded to international students based on their GPA (Grade Point Average) in the first semester of their Fleming diploma, certificate or graduate certificate program.

The merit-based scholarship does not require an application. An email will be sent to your Fleming College email during your second semester by the International Education Office if you qualify for the scholarship. Please follow the instructions in the email to receive the award.

The scholarship is a one-time award. This will not be available starting semester 1 of Winter 2025 intake.

Academic Excellence Entry Scholarship

Awarded to international students on a first come first served basis per region for eligible semester 1 students.

The application doesn’t guarantee the award. Your application will be evaluated, and you will be notified if you are a successful recipient. The award will be credited/emailed during the second semester of your program.

Please check the specific webpage of your semester 1 intake for more information.