Author Archives: Cristina Sad

Final Grade Collection for Fall 2016

***Attention All Faculty***A message from Shelly Rowan, Manager of Records ***

The Grade Rosters for fall 2016 classes ending December 16, 2016 are now available. We would appreciate it if you would have a quick look in your Faculty Centre to ensure you have access to all relevant Rosters. The instructions for grade entry can be downloaded here and we also encourage you to review the short YouTube video that outlines the process at the following link:

Please note that the Evolve system upgrade in October can cause issues with the display of content. If this occurs please refer to the “Clearing Browser Cache” section in the documentation.

Grades are due by noon on Tuesday December 20, 2016. If you have any questions please contact Shelley Rowan at  ext. 1512 or Marg McGee at ext. 1510.

Grades for classes ending October 21 are due Oct. 25

The Grade Rosters for Fall 2016 classes ending October 21, 2016 are available in your Faculty Centre. We would appreciate it if you would have a quick look in your Faculty Centre at your Grade Rosters to ensure you have access to all relevant Rosters. The instructions for grade entry can be  dowloaded hereand we also encourage you to review the short YouTube video that outlines the process at the following link:

Grades are due by noon on Tuesday October 25, 2016. If you have any questions please contact Shelley Rowan at  ext. 1512 or Marg McGee at ext 1510.

Your support is appreciated,

Shelley Rowan

Pass on to your students: Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards

The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards is now receiving applications.

The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards (formerly the Women’s Opportunity Awards) assists women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families by giving them the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects.

To visit the website and apply, go to

To Read about the criteria, please go to:

Attention Coordinators: Recruiting/Enrollment Events

Date Event Details

October 3rd


CIP (College information program) – Sutherland Campus Ontario College’s team up and participate in an information fair at each College. At the Fleming CIP we are expecting approximately 800-1000 potential students. Each Academic School will have a table that we would like help to staff.

October 17th


October 18th


Metro Fair – Direct Energy Building Toronto

The biggest college fair, evening fair for parents and following day for students.  We attend and can interact with up to 2500 potential students. We would like to have faculty join the Fleming booth to interact with potential students and their parents.


Preferred Hotel rates can be found at this link and are available until September 19th


November 5th 10:00-2:00 Fall Open House College is open for guests to tour and speak with faculty and services.  Expecting approximately 800 potential students. Each Academic school will have a table in the foyer, and each program will have a room.