Bomb Threat by Phone

During the Call
1. Listen and remain calm
2. Do not interrupt the caller
3. Attempt to keep the caller talking
4.Exact wording of the threat (date, time, location)
5. Gender/Sex of the caller
6. Voice (tone, volume, cadence)
7. Estimated age
8. Accent, speech impediment
9. Unusual phrases

Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist

Ask the Caller
1. When is the bomb going to explode?
2. Where is the bomb right now?
3. What kind of bomb is it?
4. What does it look like?
5. Why did you place it?
6. What is your name?
7. Where are you?

After the Call
1. Contact Police immediately (9-1-1)
2. Contact Campus Security (ext. 4444) immediately.
3. In order to avoid panic, do not tell anyone other than Campus Security about the threat.

Campus Security will liaise with police and College Management of the threat. An assessment by trained professionals will take place to determine the appropriate action.