Crime in Progress

If you see criminal or suspicious activity:

  • Contact Campus Security and Residence Life Staff
  • Contract 911 if appropriate (see below)
  • Remain calm, and do not make sudden movements
  • If it is safe to do so, leave the area

When Campus Security dispatcher answers:

  • Give your name, your specific location and the nature of the crime in progress or other concerns
  • Identify help that is needed immediately; report any injuries to yourself or others
  • If safe to do so, note the suspect’s(s’) height, weight, age, race, clothing, distinguishing physical characteristics such as facial hair, weapons, and means and direction of travel
  • If a vehicle is involved, note license plate number, make and model, color, direction it was heading, and anything else that stands out about the vehicle
  • Stay on the phone until the dispatcher tells you it’s okay to hang up
  • Stay in your same location, if safe to do so, until Campus Security arrive

Police (911) should be called:

  • For situations involving weapons, injury, threat of harm, use of force against another person, coercion, attempted breaking or entering, destruction of property
  • For persons in trouble and needing help
  • For intruders, strangers acting suspiciously, fighting, assault, sexual assault, domestic violence, persons committing a theft or other crime

What not to do:

  • Do not leave your room or other safe area to try to investigate what is happening if you see or hear something
  • Do not assume others have called Police
  • Do not try to confront, apprehend or interfere with the suspect(s), except to protect yourself
  • When you finish talking with Police inform Campus Security
  • Identify yourself and relay the same information you just gave to Police
  • Ask to have a Resident Life duty staff member contacted