COVID19- Residence Student Isolation Protocol – confirmed or suspected cases 20-21 Academic Year Support Services

We want you to feel safe and supported during your stay at Residence.  Should you feel ill or are having symptoms of COVID19, we want to support you, so we can ensure your safety and wellbeing.  If it is recommended that you self-isolate we can provide you with non-clinical support, coordination of services and daily virtual check-ins to ensure that you are feeling better, both physically and emotionally.  You will have direct support from our Counselling Department team, as needed.   We will continue to support you for the duration of your isolation.

Please click here for more information on how to self-isolate

We have several designated Isolation Suites in our Residences.  The suites are designed in a way to maintain physical distancing and to ensure a safe environment for our community.  We have developed Self-Isolation Protocols, Precautionary Protocols, Isolation Expectations and clear definitions of self-isolation, self monitoring, positive screening, positive test result and outbreak.  We have a detailed list of items that are included in our self isolations suites and what you may require when moving into designated self-isolation suite.

Please click here to be directed to our Isolation Suite Resource.  There, you will find resources, information about food services, laundry and garbage removal and wellness links to help you while in isolation.

Everyone is asked to self-monitor their health. If you think you have COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please contact Campus Security at 705-749-5530 ext. 4444.  Campus Security will confirm your suite and bedroom number, go over a detailed list of symptoms with you and verify that none of the symptoms are connected to a pre-existing medical condition.  Security will confirm when symptoms began and inquire other locations you may have been, collect your contact information and may take your temperature.  Campus Security will then inform you of the next steps to take and Housing Service will follow up with you.

If you have been asked to self-isolate, please follow the advice of the Campus Security and or local public health authority.  We request you click here to be directed to complete an online form, so Residence staff can follow up with you.