Emergency Preparedness Procedures

check list, emergency prepardnessEmergency Procedure posters have been placed in all suites. It is important for all members of the Residence Community to be aware of and familiar with these Emergency Procedures so that you know what to do when an emergency happens.

In the event of an emergency in the Residence Buildings, the Housing Department will use the following methods to inform students on the what the impact to them may be:

1. Email
2. Housing App
3. Housing Website
4. In person (door to door)

Below you will find information that you can use to help be prepared should an emergency occur.

9-1-1        Emergency Services
EXT 4444 Campus Security or 866-353-6464

The College has prepared a short training video with information on how to respond should the Violence Response Protocol be activated, click on the link to watch the video: Violence Response Protocol Video

Loss of Electricity

  • Use your cell phone flashlight if needed
  • Keep flashlights are other emergency supplies nearby
  • Do not attempt to use electrical equipment (computers, TVs)
  • Keep the fridge closed, to avoid the contents get warm and spoil
  • Click for more info

Leak or Flood

  • Contact the Residence Office immediately and let them know the source of the water leak (i.e. washroom, pipe, window, roof)
  • Do not walk through the water and avoid wet wires, electrical equipment and power outlets

Intruder (unwanted guest)

  • Don’t allow anyone to without a key to follow you into the building
  • If an intruder appears angry or threatening, keep a safe distance away. Do not argue or raise your voice.
  • Call 9-1-1 and inform campus security immediately.
  • In an intruder leaves a parcel or anything suspicious behind, do not touch it. Tell campus security right away.


  • Douse small fires with fire extinguishers located in the residence hallways.
  • Pull the fire alarm and leave the building by the nearest exit and call 9-1-1.
  • Avoid flames, smoke and fumes by staying how to the ground.
  • Walk, don’t run.
  • If you cannot safely get downstairs, go to the nearest safe area and wait for a firefighter.

Boil Water Advisory

  • If advised, boil all tap water used for drinking, brushing teeth, preparing food, beverages, ice cubes and washing food.
  • Tap water should be boiled for one minute. Then let I cool and pour it into a clean container.

Click on the links below to view all of our Emergency Procedure Information pages.