Room Selection Process

Students now have the ability to select their own room spaces! The Room Selection period opening is posted on the portal in your application. Below are the steps to pick your room on the Housing Portal.

  1. Login to the Housing Portal.
  2. Click on Application and select your active application.
  3. You will be taken to the room selection section once the room selection period opens.
  4. You will need to select your next step. Which will be “Initial Room Selection”
  5. Indicate whether or not you wish to allow other residents to view your profile question answers. This is recommended to help others determine compatibility.
  6. The next page is the initial selection.
    • Select your campus.
  7. You will see a list of available rooms to select
    • Click on show room info for more information of building amenities and see students who have selected the current space
  8. Once you have decided on a room space. Click on Add To Cart
  9. You will now need to select the room you wish to book. Click the drop down menu to select a space
    • If you have an approved roommate request you will need to book your roommate’s space as well.
      • Make sure you select a space with enough rooms to house everyone in your roommate group
    • If there is only one available space in the suite you will not have to complete this step
  10. Next you will need to confirm your choice. Click on Save & Continue to book the space you have chosen

You have now successfully booked your room space. Click on Save & Continue to complete your application.

If you have any questions about this process, please email