Classroom Recording

College courses may include lectures, where the course material is presented verbally by the teacher. This learning environment may create barriers that recording helps address.

Recording can be useful if you have difficulty with:

  • Maintaining your attention for the whole period
  • Processing what the teacher is saying as fast as they’re saying it
  • Listening and taking notes at the same time
  • Manually writing your own notes
  • Hearing everything the professor says

There really are many reasons why students with different types of disability need accommodations for this type of learning.

In many cases your teachers take this into account and provide all students with a copy of their lecture notes. But if some of your teachers don’t or if the notes they provide aren’t detailed enough, you might need to record the lecture. Or in some cases you may need to make a video recording or take a photograph so you have a visual image to study.

Technology Options

You may have your own recording device (for example, a digital recorder, a recording app on your smartphone, or a smart pen) or you may borrow one from our assistive technology library (there is a $20.00 deposit if you borrow any of our equipment) or you and your counsellor may use the Bursary for Students With Disabilities to provide you with funds to buy a digital recorder or smart pen.

Classroom Recording Agreement

The Classroom Recording Agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of you and your professor. Its important to plan together and communicate up front about recording so everyone is aware of your learning needs and that the class is being recorded. When you and your counsellor create your Letter of Accommodation, you will complete the Classroom Recording Agreement form and your counsellor will share it with your faculty, as requested (for those classes where you will be recording).