
By choosing to live in residence you have agreed to keep your living space (suite common areas and bedroom) clean. Suitemates have the shared responsibility to clean the common areas such as the entrance, kitchen, appliances, bathrooms, eating area and living area. Residents are individually responsible for the condition of their bedrooms.

To assist residents, a list of cleaning duties is provided below. Working with your suitemates you can assign daily, weekly and bi-weekly duties to share the cleaning duties.

Cleaning Duties & Chores Sheet
Suite Cleanliness Condition Ratings

Cleaning Contract

If you are not able to manage the assignment of cleaning duties on your own, you may contact the Residence Life Staff or Residence Office to request a Cleaning Contract. A staff member will work with the residents of a suite to create the Cleaning Contract and they will follow-up with the suite to ensure the duties are completed.

The following are Level One Infractions as described in the Residence Student handbook that relate to cleaning standards:

  • Misusing common facilities (i.e. leaving dirty pots, pans, dishes etc) around for extended periods of time, misusing appliances
  • Failing to maintain an acceptable level of cleanliness in the residence (bedroom and common areas)
  • Any violation of the decorating policy