Academic Employees – Partial Load

Contract Number 050832

Group Benefits Booklet
Effective 2024-02-01
Benefits at a Glance
Effective 2023-10-01
Group Benefits Costing
Effective 2025-02-01

Group Benefits Costing
Effective 2025-05-01

Enrolling in Partial Load Group Benefits:

Partial Load Group Benefits Enrolment Form*
If you’re having trouble opening the file, try saving the document to your computer first. Once saved, locate the file, right-click on it, and select “Open with Adobe Acrobat” (or Adobe Reader).

Please note, that Vision Care, Hearing Care, Dental Care and Life Insurance(s) are optional benefits, and must be opted into within 31-days of your benefits eligibility date.

For more information, please contact Total Rewards.