Harassment and Discrimination Prevention and Response


Harassment and discrimination are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Fleming College is committed to preventing harassment and discrimination and creating a safe space for everyone in our College community. The College is expected to be a safe and positive space where members of the College community feel able to work, learn and express themselves in an environment free from harassment and discrimination.  

Every member of the College community who believes they may have witnessed or been subjected to or is otherwise aware of discrimination and/or harassment, is encouraged to seek advice and information on the Policy and procedure and their options, from their supervisor, manager, Human Resources, or in the case of students, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. Student Life – myCampus Portal (flemingcollege.ca)  

Respectful Behaviour 

Our Code of Conduct sets expectations around maintaining a respectful, collaborative and inclusive environment. Specifically, we are expected to empower one another through supportive communication and active listening and to foster a respectful environment in which the dignity of each individual is honoured. Policies & Procedures (flemingcollege.ca)  

Despite our commitment to these values, personality conflicts and disagreements can and will happen between College members. Wherever possible, conflicts and disagreements should be resolved between members of the College before they become cause for serious concern or lead to complaints of workplace harassment.  

If you can’t resolve your conflict by talking it out with the other person in an informal, positive way, you can try a more structured approach. Management and/or Human Resources can also be engaged to facilitate a meeting between parties in conflict and attempt to assist the parties to find common ground.  

For assistance in mediating a workplace conflict you can reach out to your manager/supervisor, your union representative, Human Resources or contact humanrights@flemingcollege.ca for advice and assistance in structured approaches to conflict resolution.  

You can also find support through the Employee Assistance Program offered through TELUS Health. TELUS Health provides professional, confidential support services including counselling, programs for help with common life issues and resources to employees and members of their immediate families. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) | Human Resources Department (flemingcollege.ca) 

Harassment and Discrimination Concerns 

Members of the College community who feel there has been a violation of the Policy have three options available to them, depending on the nature of the concern. 

Early Resolution 

The College encourages all members of the College community, wherever possible, to inform the individual that their behaviour is unwelcome and must stop immediately.  

Informal Resolution

Informal resolutions are those that seek to resolve a concern without an investigation process. They may include but are not limited to: clarification of the issue(s), facilitated conversations, coaching, reconciliation, workplace restoration, other restorative processes (including culturally appropriate Indigenous practices), and mediation.  

Formal Resolution 

In the event that the alleged policy violation cannot or should not be resolved through early or informal resolution that is, where a formal investigation process is required. Where a formal resolution is required, the individual raising the concern is encouraged to file a formal Complaint and to do so in writing, if possible.  

There may be situations where a College Member raises a concern about harassment and/or discrimination through, for example, a conversation with Human Resources, a Student Rights and Responsibilities employee, a manager, in an exit interview, in a workplace assessment, or class evaluation, but does not file a formal Complaint. In these cases, depending on the nature and seriousness of the allegation, the College may have an obligation under law to respond, and possible investigate, the concerns regardless of whether a formal Complaint is made or if the person raising the concerns wants the College to respond/investigate.  

For further information around the College’s process, please review the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention and Response Policy and Procedure Harassment and Discrimination Prevention and Response Policy and Operating Procedure #3-311 Human Resources | Policies & Procedures (flemingcollege.ca) 

For more information on the Policy and Procedure you can contact: humanrights@flemingcollege.ca