Newsletter #15: January 31, 2022

Student Hiring
It’s time to start thinking about summer student hires. As part of the overall student experience, Fleming College provides paid employment opportunities to its students, funded by the College or paid for by the associated department. Further details regarding the student hiring process can be reviewed on our Student Hiring webpage.

Additional details of opportunities for recruitment will be distributed to leaders in the weeks to come. If you have questions in the meantime, please email

Reminder – Benefit Rate Change
New 2022 benefit rates take effect on February 1, 2022. New rates can be found on our Benefits webpage.

This time of year, it’s common to feel a little less balance, and for some people it may be Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is seasonal depression that occurs annually in the same season – typically during fall through winter when our sunlight exposure is reduced. One way that may help you to ease symptoms is by increasing exercise and spending more time outdoors – even if that means shoveling your driveway! For more tips and information take a look here.